The Unified Church Team Training

Your ministry is the last place dysfunction should be derailing the mission. Lead a unified team faster than you ever thought possible.

*currently on sale!

the trust building guide for ministry and church teams

Excellent for seasoned or new leaders who want to create an environment for their team to thrive.

Success Stories:

I think it was a big win for our team. I’ve had great feedback from them. They loved it!

Terry Allen

Senior Pastor, Ignite Church

The Trust Table workshop that Evan has created was a game-changer for us. The workshop gave us windows of opportunity for discussion that has led to a more united and trusted team. The insight and helpful tools he gave us have been invaluable and already have been implemented. I highly recommend this workshop for all teams that need a boost of trust and communication. Evan is a very clear communicator and made our time together enjoyable and educational.

John Calebrese

Associate Pastor, LifeSpring Community

Evan makes you want to be on his team or on one that is encouraging and inspiring. His explanation of teamwork helped me to understand the important steps of building a team. I’ve gained insight that have helped my team bond and serve better together.

Rosanne Moore

Director, Celebrate Recovery

There is not a business or organization that couldn’t benefit from Evan’s trust-building workshop. He made this online session interactive and engaging for our Chamber members.

Sara Cullin

Owner, Signal Tree Creative Communications

The Trust Table Workshop gave my team a language to address issues.  I know we will perform better because of the empathy and understanding we now have towards each other.

Brayton Deal

Owner, Iron House Studios

Working on the most important mission in the world with people you care about should not be hindered by dysfunction and misunderstanding.

Evan Doyle

Build A High-Trust Team That Works, Collaborates, and Thrives

Working alongside your team to accomplish big goals shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth. The Trust Table Workshop is designed to transform how your team operates by equipping you with the tools to build deeper trust, ownership, and healthy communication. Imagine being able to tackle challenges head-on with the people you serve alongside without frustrations that boil over or distract you from the mission.


Is This What Your Team Looks Like Right Now?

❌ Is morale low, and are people disengaged?
❌ Do team members seem unsure of responsibilities?
❌ Are ministries siloed, with little collaboration?
❌  Is your staff struggling to communicate effectively?

Stop the Frustration. Fix the Disconnect. Get the Unified Church Team Training and discover how to:

✅ Re-engage your team by fostering an environment of trust and ownership.
✅ Create clear communication to eliminate confusion.
✅ Break down silos and build stronger, more unified cross-functional ministry teams.
✅ Resolve misunderstandings quickly and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Don’t let dysfunction disrupt ministry. Unify your team by building trust and stronger relationships.

What's Included?

✅ Access To The On-Demand Curriculum And Modules: Master the the trust-building framework you can implement with your team right away.

✅ Personal Assessment Guide: Evaluate yourself as a leader and identify actionable steps to strengthen your leadership role in the ministry.

✅ Organizational Trust Assessment: Gain tools to assess the trust levels within your team and congregation so you to take meaningful action unify your people.

🎁 Bonus #1: The Secret to Effective Delegation: Master the art of delegation to empower your team to take ownership.

🎁 Bonus #2: The Confidence Accelerator: Practical steps to help you lead with assurance, even through uncertainty.

🎁 Bonus #3: RECHARGE: Four Things Top Performers Do to Overcome Stress Quickly

$199.97  $49.97



How quickly will I see results?

The quick answer? Much faster than trying to figure it all out on your own. If you apply the principles and strategies you can see significant shifts in team trust, unity, and decision-making after just implementing a few tactics.

No matter your starting point, this course offers a clear, actionable roadmap to transform your team—often in less time than you’d expect.

What does my commitment look like? And how many hours will this take?

The course itself is about 30 minutes, but real transformation comes from engaging in the exercises with your team, which could take a few hours depending on how in-depth you go. You can work through it at your own pace, but your dedication is key to seeing results.

Your commitment—whether through discussions with your leaders or personal reflection—will determine the impact. The more you invest, the more you’ll benefit.

Building trust isn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing practice. While this course equips you with the tools to start, consistently applying these strategies will provide the keys to lasting trust and stronger, high-performing teams.

How do I pay?

Click one of the buttons on this page to proceed to checkout. Once you’re there, you can enter the required information and pay with credit card.


Want to see a sneakpeek of the course?

YouTube video

Your satisfaction and growth matter to me. Due to the nature of digital content, I do not offer refunds for this product.

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